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 Breaking Point: The Mental Health Crisis in   Small Organisation Leadership 

This report is the output of research delivered by Fair Collective in partnership with NCVO and with funding from The Talent Fund. The research focused on the mental health of small organisation (majority income under £1 million) leaders in England and was conducted between August and October 2024. 

We are hugely grateful to all of the leaders who took the time to complete the survey and take part in interviews and focus groups. The research, depth and insight would simply not have been possible without you.

We would also like to thank The Talent Fund, a grant making and philanthropy advice charity, who provided a grant to allow us to do this important work, and for giving us the scope to invest time in taking the trauma-informed approach that we felt that this subject matter required.

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Research findings

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85% of small charity leaders in England experience poor mental health due to their role.

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Of this, 20% reported a severe impact with incidences of suicidal thoughts, hospitalisation and burn out.

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Health, education, children & young people

Those working in health, education, or with children and young people experienced the worst impact on their mental health.

A unique combination of challenges

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A unique combination of internal and organisational challenges, on top of systemic sector-wide issues, increase the isolation and pressures felt by small charity leaders.

Recommendations for the sector

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The research has identified specific recommendations that could make a real difference to small charity organisations, aimed at individual leaders, small organisation boards and funders, which the report outlines in detail:

Individual leaders: 

  • Embrace self-care and remember it’s good to talk

  • Prioritise organisational openness  

  • Take advantage of existing help

Small organisation boards:

  • Prioritise organisational health (beyond financial health) 

  • Invest in creating trusting and supportive relationships 

  • Prioritise delivering support


  • Make unrestricted and multi-year funding the norm 

  • Embrace a common application and funding process 

  • Become a small charity champion

Breaking Point Report Cover

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