Welcome to our blog!
We’re thrilled to have you here.
We’re passionate about supporting organisations doing good stuff in the world, in any way we can. That’s why we’ve created this space to share stories, insights, ideas, tips and tricks - to keep you up-to-date.
Go on, take a peek below. And, if you think of any topics you’d love to see us write about, let us know.
From Fixer to Multiplier: The Key to Building Resilient Charity Teams
Why every charity leader should have a coach
A balancing act: strategies to help you thrive
What the small charity sector wants from the general public: The SCW Public Pledge
The future of infrastructure support for small charities.
Small charities inspire me. Why?
Cross sector collaboration isn’t a ‘nice to have’ any more. It’s how we win.
Is your charity ready to start securing income from grants?
Guest blog: Save and Fundraise - Tom Gill
Making the ‘ask’ - 5 top tips when asking for money for your small charity
Can't recruit a fundraiser? You're not alone...
I just did my first round of grant assessing, here's what I learned.
Small charity grant applications - tips from a grant maker
Is your small charity ready to take on it's first paid member of staff?
How to write a simple strategic plan for your small charity
The small charity health check
How to write a simple fundraising strategy
We need to stop talking about ‘Africa’
Donors don’t want charities to spend any money on overheads and it’s not OK
Poverty porn and white saviour complex: why good intentions are not enough